Fresh Ideas for Fresh Foods

Growing Veggies in ContainersGrowing vegetables doesn’t have to be utilitarian. You can grow your veggies in beautiful containers that look like unique flower arrangements! Whispering Springs has 5 ideas for ways that you can take your edible garden from simply growing to gorgeous this spring. 

1. Make it Colorful 

Not only with the various veggies you can grow, but plant them in colorful pots too! If you’re going to grow veggies in containers all summer, at least plant them in something you want to see sitting on your front porch!

2. Be Creative

Just as you can add some color with your planters, you can add some creativity too! Pick up containers that wouldn’t normally hold plants and use them to make interesting pots. A couple of great ideas include wine crates, old tins, and watering cans.

3. Think Up

If you’re short on floor space, think about ceiling space. Some plants actually grow better when they are grown in hanging containers and allowed to drape off the sides of their container as they grow. Tomatoes and strawberries do especially well when they are hung from above.

4. Window Herbs

Create a window box for whatever window is nearest your kitchen and grow all of your fresh herbs there. They will be close at hand for you to pick and throw right in whatever dishes you are cooking.

5. Provide Support

If you prefer to plant in pots and want to plan vines such as cucumbers or beans, use a trellis and train them to grow upwards. Just because you’re planting veggies doesn’t mean you have to use those plain wire vegetable stands!

What are you planning on planting in your edible garden this spring?

Img via Flickr.