How to Detect a Leak in Your Water Feature

Water features are gorgeous additions to any landscape. Fountains and pounds can serve as an added source of serenity to your home. However, it’s important to care for these features regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. As you prepare to winterize your landscape, here’s how to check your water features for any potential damage that may be missed during the cooler months.

Detecting leaks is tricky. Be mindful that while it is still a bit warmer outside, losing a few inches of water due to evaporation is completely normal. During the peak summer months, expect to lose three to five inches each week. As it gets cooler, you can anticipate to only lose one to three inches.

Most leaks and damage occur at one of two places, either the waterfall or the streambed. Check the streambed for wet spots and inspect the liner for any damages. Often times, the liner has slid out of place. This is easily fixable by using stones to prop it up.

The same approach may be used when checking the waterfall for leaks. Walk along the edges of the waterfall and check for stones that may have slid out of place that are forcing water to splash outside of the stream.

If stones slipping off-stream don’t appear to be the problem, you should reach out to your installer to make sure that the plumbing system is functioning properly.

At Whispering Springs Nursery, we can install your water feature and can provide you with the perfect accents for your garden. For more information about having a custom water feature installed, please contact us here.