Cold Weather Gardening Tips

If the weather over the past few weeks are to serve as any indication, this Winter may be a cold one! Here are some tips to help keep your plants safe when temperatures nosedive and the weather turns:

  • If an extreme dip is expected, give your garden a good watering a day before if the soil is good and dry. Moist soils will retain heat better than dry ones! Whatever you do, do not overwater. Overwatering can cause root disease and rot.
  • If temperatures are to drop below 20 degrees, be sure to cover your cold-sensitive plants. May sure your covers go all the way to the ground and are secured down with bricks or rocks. This will help to retain heat and moisture during the cold winter nights. Your plants will be fine if left covered for a few days at a time. Check on them periodically and be ready to cover them again if needed.Dead Shrub
  • If you have itty-bitty plants, you can cover them with mulch or pine straw to help them keep nice and warm.
  • Gardeners be aware of the temperature and weather conditions each day! The weather can be unpredictable as it is, so its best to be prepared for any and all conditions that could be brought on by Mother Nature!
  • Tip: Vegetable gardens can be damaged more than other plants during extreme cold. Be prepared and take as many precautions as possible so your crops are not ruined.

Need more cold-weather gardening tips? No problem! Stop by and see us at the nursery or contact us with any questions you might have about your garden or landscaping!