Our Favorite Summer Plants to Grow in Georgia

Close-up shot of person harvesting tomatoes

Summer in Georgia is famously hot and humid, but all that sunshine and humidity also gives us a super lush summer season. Apply your sunscreen, grab your hat and sunglasses, and find out what to plant in your summer garden!

  • Tomatoes – Is there anything more luscious than a home-grown tomato fresh off the vine? Once you grow your own, you’ll never want to go back to the flavorless tomatoes found at most grocery stores. The best part of growing tomatoes is that there are so many options! From heirloom tomato varieties to patio-friendly plants that even apartment dwellers can cultivate, we can help you find the right plants for your garden.
  • Beans – Pole beans, lima beans, snap beans – why choose just one? Beans are a great addition to your summer garden.
  • Pumpkins – Get ready for fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving by planting pumpkins now! By the time autumn arrives, you could have your very own Great Pumpkin – or several!
  • Other good additions to your summer garden include okra, cucumbers, squash, and corn.

To keep your crops going strong through the hot summer months, try to water deeply, but less often. This will help to alleviate drought stress and save wasted water from ineffective irrigation. Mulching your garden will also help conserve moisture when you do water.

Summer is also the time to start planning your fall garden! Give us a call if you’re interested in our landscape design services, or visit our Jasper plant nursery to pick out your new garden additions!