Fall is Time to Fertilize Roses

Roses are by far one of the most popular flowers for gardeners. They come in varieties by the thousands that vary in color, size, bloom time, growth type, and preferential growing conditions. Some roses can be relatively hardy and maintenance free, while others are susceptible to disease and attack by insects. Whispering Springs Nursery has some tips for you on how to encourage the best growth from your roses. 

Rose Care and MaintenanceDisease

Most roses are susceptible to powdery mildew and black spot. Black spot manifests itself as black spots on the leaves of the plant. The leaves will turn yellow and fall off which can lead to severe defoliation. Powdery mildew appears as a white-grey powdery substance on the leaves. The foliage and flower buds can be distorted as a result. There are two options for control: Buy rose varieties that are resistant to these diseases or treat with fungicides labeled appropriately.


Aphids are the most common insect that you will see feeding on your roses. They suck out the moisture from the undersides of leaves and attack buds before they open. They are easily controlled with insecticides for roses.


Roses should be fertilized once a month, March through September with about three tablespoons of general purpose or 10-10-10 fertilizer. If your roses are larger than 5′, feed them with 5 tablespoons of fertilizer.

Now is the time that you should be applying your last round of fertilizer to the roses in your Canton, GA landscape. Apply now to encourage another flush of blooms in the Fall and to help protect them from Winter damage. If you have questions about maintaining your Canton, GA landscape, give us a call or come visit today!