Top 10 Things to do in Your Garden This Fall


What are you favorite bulbs to plant in the Fall?

It’s the time when days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting cooler. Your garden will soon be seeing its last of summer flowers and it will be time to start checking things off of your Fall garden clean up list. This is Whispering Springs Nursery’s list of top ten things that we like to do in our Fall gardens before they are put to bed for the winter:

  1. Add leaves and grass clippings to your compost pile.
  2. Before the first frost comes (usually mid to late October for our region) dig and harvest all of your veggies. Place any green tomatoes on a shelve in a cool area so they can ripen slowly.
  3. Mulch your roses and tender perennials with peat moss or straw to help prevent winter damage.
  4. Stake any newly-planted trees to help them get through their first winter.
  5. Pull up annuals and prune perennials
  6. Do final raking of leaves and make a to do list of projects for the spring.
  7. Remove old fruiting cane of berry bushes. Prune grape and blueberries.
  8. Give all of your plants a good drink, especially your trees. Just because it’s cooler, doesn’t mean they don’t need moisture!
  9. Shop for your favorite bulbs. Make sure you choose a variety that will bloom in early, mid, and late spring.
  10. Plant hardscape and give the trees and shrubs time to become established before having to weather the summer heat.

Did we leave off one of your big Fall garden “to-dos”? Leave it in the comments below! Or, come by Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA and tell us about it! We’d love to help you with your Fall gardening and planning for the Spring.