Why You Should Add a Deck to Your Home

At Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA we do more than just grow beautiful plants and install them to make beautiful landscapes. James Gyrno, our owner and operator, has a history of carpentry that he brings to our customers to help make their backyards into an oasis escape. He can custom build a deck for your home, create a pergola, or seating area just for you. But why should you add these unique features to your home? These are 3 main reasons why you should add a deck to your Jasper, GA house.

#1 – Adds Entertainment Space

When the sun finally goes down in the summer time and the fireflies come out to light up the night, the outdoors is the perfect setting or entertaining. Adding a deck into your outdoor living space creates a whole new venue for you to host your next dinner party or family gathering.

#2 – Creates Interest

If all you have on the front or back of your home is a door leading outside to a set of stairs or small concrete slab, adding a deck to your home will create a new look and add interest. Adding a deck porch gives your home a whole new meaning to the term “curb appeal”. And what better way to spend a cool afternoon then reading a book in your adoradak chair while you sip some sweet tea?

#3 – Increases Home Value

Outdoor living improvements are one of the renovations that you can do to your Jasper, GA home that are practically guaranteed to increase your home’s resale value. If you think that you could be putting your home on the market in the future, keep it in mind when you are designing your deck. Create a space that anyone could love, life, and entertain in. These are just a few of the great added benefits that you get with installing a porch on your home. Give us a call at Whispering Springs Nursery and ask to talk to James and he will be happy to assist you with the design and installation of a deck on your Jasper, GA home!

Smart Watering Tips for July

July is Smart Irrigation Month so here at Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA, we are bringing you tips on smart watering to keep your landscape healthy while limiting your water usage.

Tips on Watering Plants Over SummerSmart Irrigation Month

  • Water in the mornings. This helps keep your plant leaves dry so they don’t develop disease, and limits evaporation. 
  • Don’t water everyday. Typically, your established landscaping will do just fine with every other day watering.  If it has been raining, keep this in mind and don’t water your plants again until the soil has dried.
  • Water deeply, and infrequently. The rule of thumb that gardeners have used for years is one  inch of water per week, if it was not provided by rain.
  • Only water when your plants need it. If your annuals are looking wilted, go ahead and give them a deep watering. Established perennials only need watering when they stay wilted overnight into the next day.

Why is Smart Watering Important?

It is important to water smartly for the health of your plants. Just as much damage can be done to plants that are over watered as those that are enduring drought. Limiting your watering also helps to limit runoff. When you over water your soil, it becomes saturated and instead of absorbing the moisture, the top layer of your soil can wash away. Lastly, limit your watering to save your water bill and reduce stress on the planet. During July, landscape water usage increases by 80%. There is already limited amounts of fresh water supply available, so the less you can use on your landscaping, the better.

Whispering Springs Nursery in Canton, GA hopes that you keep these tips in mind this July and throughout the summer to conserve water and help your landscape grow healthy all season long.

Alternatives to Grass

At Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA, we have a little bit of a different idea of landscaping than many of the companies who are located in Canton, Woodstock, or Atlanta. When we do landscape design or installation around Big Canoe or other surrounding areas, we work to make our projects blend into and beautifuify the natural landscape, rather than altering it. Our woodland garden landscapes are typically low maintenance and use species that grow easily in moist, shady areas. Grass is not one of our top players, so we wanted to show you the options that we use for groundcover, other than typical turfgrass.

Mulchmulch groundcover

Mulch is a great natural alternative to grass. As it ages and biodegrades, it benefits your plants by creating a richer and more nutritious soil. To install mulch as a ground cover, you first want to put down a layer of landscape cloth. This will prevent weeds from growing up through your mulch and will help to retain moisture. Mulch is relatively low maintenance, of course it does not require weekly watering and mowing, but once or twice a year you will need to put down a new layer of mulch to keep it thick and looking fresh. To create a path through your mulch yard, simply lay down pavers or stones on the landscape cloth and mulch around them.

Fill in with Groundcover

There are many ‘toe tickler’ ground covering plants that you can use to cover your yard. Thyme, chamomile, or Corsican mint are all great groundcovering plants that will feel good on your bare feet and release a scent as you walk across them. These are recommended to be used in an area that has light foot traffic. While they will hold up to being walked on, they are not nearly as hardy as grass and can be damaged with too much traffic.


Instead of covering most or all of your yard with plants, you could instead use gravel or stones to cover the majority of space, and simply add in a few of the groundcover plants to add a softness to your design and fill in the empty edges. Flagstone, brick, and many pavers are great options for creating large ‘flooring’ areas, or you could create concrete pavers of your own with a little ingenuity and patience.

These are a few options that Whispering Springs recommends if you are looking for an alternative to grass for your woodland garden. Call us today if you would like to schedule a landscape design consultation or if we can help you install the yard of your dreams!

Img from Flickr.

Deer-Resistant Dos and Don’ts

Up here in the north Georgia mountains there are some critters that we love to see frequent our gardens. Monarch butterflies, honey bees, a cardinal, blue jay, or finch, maybe even a spare humming bird to two. On the other hand, there are lots of other woodland creatures that we hope to never see walking through our freshly planted gardens of tender spring-green leaves – deer and rabbits! Whether you are a strict vegan or an avid huntsman, no one wants to see the supposedly ‘gentle’ creatures chowing down on your hard earned and hard worked landscaping. At Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA, we specialize in creating deer-resistant landscapes that are less likely to become lunch for the white tailed wanderers.

Deer DosDeer Garden Img

When choosing plants for your landscaping, keep in mind which do and don’t attract deer. There are some plants – like roses – that deer absolutely love. Instead of filling your landscape with these beautiful but thorny blooms, choose other flowers that are less likely to attract deer. Some great choices are red cedars, magnolias, barberry, lilac, quince, bleeding hearts, and carolina jessamine. If you just love geraniums (deer do too) and must have them in your yard, plant them in a high traffic area that the deer are less likely to access like around your front or back door.

Deer Don’ts

If you want to enjoy your plantings, don’t select varieties that you know the deer population finds tasty and spread them throughout your yard. If you are growing vegetables or an orchard, position it away from your other landscaping and be sure to pick the fruits and vegetables before they can become deer dinner as well.

One of our specialties at Whispering Springs Nursery is creating beautiful landscapes that will last and blend into the north Georgia woodlands in our surrounding areas of Jasper and Canton, GA. Give us a call today to schedule a landscape design appointment, or come by the nursery. We hope to see you soon!

Don’t Make Deer Salad

Deer are herbivores. Just about anything lush and green, they will munch on and when it comes to your garden, the prettier and more highly prized your flowers are, the more likely the deer are to eat them. So what do you do? You call in Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA and have us install a deer resistant garden. 

Recognize Deer Damage

Orange flowers

Orange flowers of Butterfly Weed  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You may be getting munched by your local herd of deer, and not even know it. The first steps to preventing deer damage is to learn to recognize it. Do you seen torn or shredded leaves from ground level to about five feet up? That’s a sign of deer. Because they don’t have upper incisor teeth, they tear their food rather than cutting through it. If you happen to see some deer droppings near by then you can rest assured that the deer have deemed your garden as a perfect place to snack.

Creating a Deer Resistant Garden

No plant is going to be 100% deer proof, but when choosing flowers to enhance your landscape, you can at least choose flowers that they are less likely to munch on. And don’t let the term ‘deer-resistant’ scare you away. There are many types of plants that deer are less likely to eat that are just as beautiful and showy as roses and tulips but aren’t as high on their list of favorite foods. Instead, go for purple-leaved basil, with silvery lamb’s ears, and ‘Moonshine’ yarrow.  Butterfly weed is a great option for a splash of orange color, caryopteris for purple blooms, and crocosmia with their sword shaped leaves and red, orange, or yellow blooms.

Are you ready to get planting? Or would you rather someone else come design and install your deer-resistant yard for you? Just call us at Whispering Springs Nursery and we will come up with a beautiful creation just for you!

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Designing With Nature

Whispering Springs is situated in Jasper, GA and we are surrounded by beautiful woodlands. Pine trees, old oaks, honeysuckle, and wild azaleas can be found around almost every turn so when we install landscape designs, we do our best to beautify the natural area and work with the plants that grow best in our region.

Woodland Gardensps_2013_02_21___12_45_47

Our woodland gardens incorporate many of our deciduous plants, trees and shrubs. We do our best to make our landscape installations look like they have been there for years, on day one. Rather than trying to create a neighborhood look in the middle of the north Georgia mountains, we work with what nature has provided. When we are invited to your home to develop the perfect landscape design for you, the first thing we do is look at the lay of the land and the current trees and shrubs that are already growing. We do our best to work with those plants and trees that are already established and bring out their natural beauty instead of trying to replace them with a less natural, and therefore higher maintenance option.

Designing with Nature in Mind

We will be looking for things such as water run off or retention, shade versus sun, and encroaching undergrowth when deciding how we can best create a low maintenance  but relaxing and beautiful woodland garden for you. Some of our favorite plants include azaleas, hydrangeas, hostas, and ferns. These are all plants the grow well in our Georgia soil, without much amendment or additional care.

Would you like to create a shade garden to enjoy on these beautiful summer evenings? Give us a call today! We will create the perfect space for you in your Jasper, GA yard.

Welcome to the Whispering Springs Blog!

Welcome to the brand new Whispering Springs Nursery website and blog! We are thrilled that you are here and can’t wait to share all kinds of information, photos, projects, and inspiration with you!

About Whispering Springs Nursery in Jasper, GA100_1416 (2)

Whispering Springs Nursery is owned and operated by James and Debbie Grno. They live on the same property as the nursery, right out back! This is their passion project that they started in 2000 and since then they have completed many woodland garden projects in the near by neighborhood of Big Canoe, among others.

Whispering Springs takes pride in the fact that we grow many of our own plants – both annuals and perennials  This gives us control over their growing cycle and allows us to grow the varieties that thrive in the north Georgia climates and soil. Because of the dense population of deer in our area, we specialize in deer-resistant plants. No one wants to spend money on installing a beautiful new garden and have it immediately eaten by woodland creatures! To help preserve your investment, we help you select the plants that are not only beautiful, but will not become a salad bar for the friendly creatures that we share our homes with.

We will be sharing with you here on our blog weekly. We will share everything from the latest plants that are growing in the nursery, inspiration for your garden, and tips and tricks on how to help your garden thrive. We look forward to getting to know you over the many weeks to come!

Make sure you have also joined Whispering Springs Nursery on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ as well! There, we will be sharing info, inspiration, and the latest goings on at the nursery! If you have a question or comment for us, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are all great ways to get in touch with us. We would love to help you solve any gardening problem you may have.

Come see us in Jasper, GA soon!